

Welcome to the Sacramento Orchid Society’s website. We hope you find the information here useful. We’ve made some changes recently so please explore the site thoroughly. You can check out our events page for information on upcoming events.

About the Sacramento Orchid Society

The Sacramento Orchid Society was founded in 1947 as an educational organization dedicated to providing information on the cultivation of orchids to the greater Sacramento community.

Members and non-members alike are welcome at our FREE Monthly Meetings that feature expert speakers from around the world, our members Show & Tell which is like a mini orchid show each month, opportunities to buy and sell plants, and a delightful measure of fellowship and good times. You will also find out about upcoming events and opportunities to support our society.

The Society's very active membership grows an almost unimaginable number of orchid species and hybrids on windowsills, patios, in yards, under lights, and in greenhouses.


Orchid Of The Month

March 2025

Oncidium Sharry Baby
By Jacob Whitney

Oncidium Sharry Baby is one of those orchids that I believe every grower should have in their collection. Not only can they be absolute showstoppers when grown by an experienced grower in a greenhouse, but they are forgiving enough to survive and thrive on a new grower’s windowsill.

Oncidium Sharry Baby was one of my first orchids (that I was able to keep alive) and twice a year I get to enjoy the fragrant and abundant blooms that smell strongly of chocolate. In fact, my favorite thing about it is that for 1-2 weeks twice a year, my living room smells like chocolate. I got mine at one of our Orchid Society’s raffle tables in 2019 and miraculously it is still alive and one of my favorite plants in my collection.

The care and growing of Oncidium Sharry Baby can be successful in a relatively wide range of conditions. A window that gets 1-5 hours of sunlight a day is what works best. I grow mine in a south facing windowsill. For temperature, they like it a little warmer than room temperature or around 80 F during the day and 60 F at night, (they can tolerate temps as low as 55 F and as high as 100 F with adjustments to watering regimen). I figure, if I am comfortable or slightly warm, then my Oncidium Sharry Baby is happy.

Water requirements will vary depending on season and growing conditions but keep the potting media lightly moist. For me, this means watering twice a week in the summer and once a month in the winter. I fertilize in the spring with slow-release pellet fertilizer, just enough to keep the pseudobulbs fat and happy.

For more care and growth instructions, the resources that have helped me the most are the American Orchid Society orchid care and culture sheets for the family of orchids that I am trying to keep alive. I will say however, that if you need information, your best resource will be your local orchid society members!