SOS January Monthly Meeting
7:00 PM19:00

SOS January Monthly Meeting

Welcome to another exciting year for the Sacramento Orchid Society. Our January monthly meeting is happening on the second Wednesday this month because of the New Years holiday on the first Wednesday.

This month, our speaker is our own Ramon De Los Santos. Ramon will be speaking about Phalaenopsis Species of the Philippines. Ramon is an accredited AOS judge in the California Sierra Nevada Judging Center and is also the awards photographer for the judging center.

Every month, the Sacramento Orchid Society has a free membership meeting. Our meetings are open to the public, you don’t have to be a member to attend (there is an opportunity to join if you enjoy the meeting).

Meetings start at 7:00PM and the doors open at 6:00PM. Come early to browse our members ‘show-and-tell’ plants which is like a mini orchid show each month. This also give you a chance to talk to the members who grow the plants and learn a little more about each type of orchid. You can also join the society or renew your membership, purchase plants and socialize before the meeting starts.

Bring plants in for AOS judging between 6:00PM and 6:30PM. Judging begins at 7:00PM.

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January Monthly Meeting
7:00 PM19:00

January Monthly Meeting

Please come and join us for our monthly meeting at the Odd Fellows Hall in Sacramento. This month our speaker will be Jeff Trimble. He will be speaking on Miltonopsis orchids. These orchids are a wonderful addition to any collection. Come and learn all about them at our next meeting. You will even have a chance to win some of them if you participate in our drawing at the end of the meeting.

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December Meeting And Potluck
6:00 PM18:00

December Meeting And Potluck

This is our annual potluck meeting. This meeting is only for current, and future, members of the society. We will all be bringing a delicious dish to share with others. Check the December newsletter for a link to the online signup sheet. All current members will get an orchid from Gold Country Orchids as our way of saying thank you for your continued membership (one orchid per family).

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November SOS Monthly Meeting
7:00 PM19:00

November SOS Monthly Meeting

At our November monthly meeting, our speaker will be Mitch Schneider who will be speaking about Zygopedilum orchids. This is a great opportunity to learn more about these easy to grow, fragrant orchids. Many of them can even be grown outdoors here in our area.

As always, we will have our show-and-tell table which is a mini orchid show that we do each month. And we’ll have our raffle table which provides a great chance to take home a new orchid or two. And there will be refreshments at the break.

So come and join us for our monthly meeting. It’s free and open to everyone; you don’t have to be a member to attend.

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SOS October Meeting
6:30 PM18:30

SOS October Meeting

At our October meeting, our guest speaker will be Ben Oliveros. Ben will be discussing Bifoliate Cattleyas. This should be an interesting talk and introduce you to these great orchids.

The doors open at 6:00PM and the meeting starts at 7:00PM. We’ll take care of general society business, have Ben give his talk, do our fabulous show-and-tell (members bring in their blooming plants for everyone to enjoy) and then our monthly raffle is back!. Since it’s been a while since we’ve had a raffle, we’ll have an expanded raffle for this meeting.

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5:30 PM17:30

SOS Annual Auction

The Sacramento Orchid Society is having its annual Auction on September 6, 2023. This event is a great way to pick up some new orchids for your collection. These orchids are all grown and donated by our members. These are all excellent quality and you can find some rare and interesting orchids at the auction.

Some of our members who have purchased orchids at the auction in the past have gone on to win AOS awards with their new orchids. This gives you an idea of the quality of the orchids that are available at the auction.

This auction is available to everyone, you don’t have to be a member of the society to participate in the auction. Our own Alan Koch of Gold Country Orchids will be the auctioneer again this year. Alan is always entertaining and many of our members can advise you on any orchid that you purchase in the auction. If you are just coming to participate in the auction, you should plan to arrive between 6:30 and 6:45 to register and get a good seat.

We hope to see everyone there. It’s always a lot of fun and there will be refreshments available.

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to Aug 20

Tri-County Home & Garden Show

  • The Roebbelen Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We will have a booth at the 2023 Tri-County Home & Garden Show in Roseville this summer. We invite you to stop by and visit us to talk about orchids and our society. We will have orchids for sale, membership applications and information about our society. We will be happy to answer any questions you have about orchids when you stop by.

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6:30 PM18:30

SOS Wine & Orchids Social

The Sacramento Orchid Society is having a social event on August 2nd, 2023. We'll be talking about orchids and other things while tasting wines and enjoying charcuterie plates at the Ciotti Winery in Lincoln. There will be a $10 fee for the evening. You can prepay using this link:
If you would like to attend, we ask that you sign up at this link:
There will also be judging at this event so if you have an orchid in bloom, bring it with you and maybe you’ll win an AOS award! This is a great way to relax and unwind. This event is open to the public and everyone is welcome. We hope you can join us.

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7:00 PM19:00

AOS California Sierra Nevada Judging Center Orchid Judging

The Sacramento Orchid Society July monthly meeting had to be cancelled due to issues at the Odd Fellows Hall in Sacramento. In lieu of the meeting, there will be an AOS judging event taking place at Gold County Orchids in Lincoln, CA.

If you have a plant, or plants, that you would like to have judged, please bring them to Gold Country Orchids at 6:00PM for registration. Judging will begin at 7:00PM. Judging events are always open to the general public. This is your opportunity to learn a bit more about how orchids are judged and what kinds of things judges look for when awarding plants. If you have the opportunity to attend, please do so and learn a little more about orchid judging.

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