Meetings of the Sacramento Orchid Society
Sacramento Orchid Society has FREE monthly meetings that are open to the public. Plenty of free parking is available in the Odd Fellows Hall parking lot. Please DO NOT PARK at Chik-fil-A. Meetings are held the FIRST WEDNESDAY of each month at 7 pm.
Next Meeting: February 5, 2025
Next Meeting Subject: Preparing for an Orchid Show
Our guest speaker is: Dennis Olivas
Plant Opportunity Table: ???
If you wish, bring in as many of your blooming orchids as possible. We will go through a lot of the orchids that are brought in during the show-and-tell portion of the meeting. For each plant you bring in, you get a ticket that is drawn for the first plant from the opportunity table.
The Odd Fellows Hall is near the intersection of Howe and Alta Arden. It is nestled behind Cost Plus Imports and Chik-fil-A. Enter from Howe avenue.
General Information:
Doors open at 6:00 PM, meeting starts at 7:00 PM. Please bring plants for AOS judging between 6:00 PM and 6:30 PM. Judging begins at 7:00 PM.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Odd Fellows Hall, 1831 Howe Avenue, Sacramento
The meeting begins at 7:00 PM. Doors open at 6:00 PM for socializing, viewing the Show and Tell table, an opportunity to join the society or renew your membership, plant purchases, and AOS judging at the California Sierra Nevada Judging Center. Meetings typically adjourn by 9:30 PM but occasionally go as late as 10:00 PM.
Meetings feature expert speakers from around the world that cover topics from orchid information to species culture to orchid types and propagation. Each meeting also includes a Show & Tell area to display your blooming orchids.
The "Plant Doctor" will be available prior to the meeting in the kitchen from 6:15 pm - 7:00 pm. Our AOS Judges have generously offered to provide this service while they are waiting for their judging session to begin. If you have an ailing plant in need of diagnosis, please bring it enclosed in a plastic zip-top bag to prevent any transmission of pests or diseases.
Show & Tell: Our members bring plants to each meeting for display. This is an opportunity to share what you grow and show off your personal achievements. It is like a mini orchid show each meeting. As mentioned above, some our more knowledgeable members will go through each plant and tell everyone a little bit about it. That helps everyone learn a little more about the different kinds of orchids our members (and guests) grow.
Plant Sales Table: The plant sales table is provided for members to bring in extra plants from home that they wish to sell. This is an opportunity for all members to obtain nice orchid plants at very reasonable prices. The society collects 15% of the sale price of each plant.
Monthly Raffle: Each month, our speaker or another orchid nursery provides a number of plants that we raffle off at the end of our meeting. This typically occurs around 9:00 PM. Tickets are $1 and you can purchase as many as you would like. The plants are usually related to the topic that our speaker discussed.